Senin, 28 April 2014

Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR

Ku rasakan hidup ini sangat indah
Penuh suka cita dan suka ria ceria
Ku rasakan hidup ini penuh warna
Penuh cinta dan rasa ria tawa ceria

Kalau kamu bersedih jangan lama-lama hingga kamu muram
Hidup ini, indah

Life is bubble gum
It's sweet and its fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together will have loves of joy and happines

Life is a bubble gum
It’s big and it’s fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together we will make this world a better place
You and me

Ku rasakan hidup ini sangat indah
Penuh suka cita dan suka ria ceria
Kurasakan hidup ini penuh warna
Penuh cinta dan rasa ria tawa ceria

Kalau kamu bersedih jangan lama-lama hingga kamu muram
Hidup ini indah

Life is bubble gum
It's sweet and its fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together will have loves of joy and happines

Life is a bubble gum
It’s big and it’s fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together we will make this world a better place
You and me

Buang semua duka lara
Pikirkanlah hal yang indah-indah saja

Senyumlah sudah
Have fun bersama

Life is bubble gum
It's sweet and its fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together will have loves of joy and happines

Life is a bubble gum
It’s big and it’s fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together we will make this world a better place
You and me

Life is bubble gum
It's sweet and its fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together will have loves of joy and happines

Life is a bubble gum
It’s big and it’s fun
So come on, come on have some fum
Together we will make this world a better place
You and me

Lyric Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJRLirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Song Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Lirik Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Lyric Lagu Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Lirik Lagu Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Song Lyric Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Download Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Download Lyric Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Download Mp3 Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Download Song Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Free Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Free Download Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Free Mp3 Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Free Lyric Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR, Complete Lyric Lirik Lagu Bubble Gum - CJR,